Advanced Options

Advanced options, configuration and troubleshooting for Microsoft Ads.

Finding the UET Tag ID

Find the UET Tag ID in Microsoft Ads by navigating to Conversions > UET tag. Then select the tag of interest, the Tag ID will be displayed on the right panel.

Find the UET Tag ID in Microsoft Ads.

Find the UET Tag ID in Microsoft Ads.

Loading the UET Tag via AnyTrack Tag

When you load the UET Tag through the AnyTrack Tag, which is the default behavior after completing the Microsoft Ads Setup, the UET Tag is initialized by our system, allowing us to fine-tune settings and add important parameters from the outset. This ensures that all events sent by the UET Tag are properly configured.

If the UET Tag is installed directly or by a third-party, we can only tune it post-initialization, which may result in some events not containing all necessary parameters, potentially affecting the match rate and overall pixel performance. Using AnyTrack's initialization ensures optimal tracking and data accuracy for your Microsoft Ads campaigns.

If, despite this, you want to prevent the UET Tag from loading in the browser via the AnyTrack Tag, you can disable this option by navigating to Tracking Pixels, selecting the pixel, going to the Settings tab, and turning off the slider in the Enable Pixel Tracking section. This is not a setting we recommend by default.

Browser-side UET Tag tracking via AnyTrack Tag is available within the Settings tab.

Browser-side UET Tag tracking via AnyTrack Tag is enabled by default and available in Settings.

Recommended Event Mapping for Microsoft Ads

This mapping is a recommendation, you can make your own configuration.

AnyTrack ConversionsConversion Goal CategoryConversion Goal NameEvent Action / Bing Events
OutboundClickOutbound clickOutboundClickOutboundClick
FormSubmitSubmit lead formFormSubmitFormSubmit
LeadSign upLeadLead
InitiateCheckoutBegin CheckoutInitiateCheckoutInitiateCheckout
ViewContentPage viewViewContentViewContent

Enhanced Conversions in Microsoft Ads

When creating a Conversion Goal for Microsoft Ads in AnyTrack, you can choose to enable Enhanced Conversions. This feature works only if the conversion event associated with the goal includes personal information such as an email, name, or address. However, not all conversion events provide this information. For instance, in Shopify, personal details are not available during AddToCart or InitiateCheckout events but are present during the Purchase event.

To check if a conversion event includes personal information, review the Events Log of the Integration that captures conversions from your connected conversion source. If any personal identification parameters are present, you can enable Enhanced Conversions for that Conversion Goal.

Inspect the Events Log find events with personal information that can be used for Enhanced Conversions.

Inspect the Events Log to find events with personal information that can be used for Enhanced Conversions.

Understanding Conversion Goals and Event Actions in Microsoft Ads

In Microsoft Ads, a Conversion Goal is set up to optimize your campaigns using data sent from AnyTrack (as shown in the AnyTrack Conversions column in the picture). An Event Action is a parameter within the event that triggers the Conversion Goal (as shown in the Bing Events column in the picture). You define the name of the Event Action when creating the Conversion Goal, and it’s essential that the names match exactly; otherwise, the Conversion Goal won’t be triggered. The Event Actions are case sensitive.

Ensure that the Event Action name matches the name displayed in the Bing events column.

The Event Action must match both in AnyTrack and in the Conversion Goal.