Advanced Options

Advanced options, configuration and troubleshooting for Facebook Ads (Meta Ads).

Tracking Facebook Lead Ads

Facebook Lead Ads is a built-in lead generation tool where potential customers can submit their information through a form directly on the Facebook platform. These ads are based on Instant forms conversions are hosted directly on Facebook's platform, where it's not possible to place tracking tags such as the AnyTrack Tag. Consequently, Facebook Lead Ads can't be tracked by AnyTrack.

Facebook Lead Ads based on Instant forms conversions can't be tracked.

Facebook Lead Ads based on Instant forms conversions can't be tracked.


On the Roadmap

Given the popularity of Facebook Lead Ads, the development team is working on a solution that could be available by the end of 2024.

Improving Event Match Quality

Facebook Ads will sometimes recommend sending additional parameters, such as Email, Facebook Login ID, Phone Number, Date of Birth, etc. to increase the Event Match Quality.

You might wonder why are these parameters requested, since you know that customers provide that information during conversion. One reason is that Facebook is recommending this update for an event that doesn't collect this data in the first place, like 'Initiate Checkout' event.

While some platforms collect first-party data during an 'Initiate Checkout' event, other platforms won't collect for such data until the 'Purchase' event. You can find which customer data is collected during an event in the Conversions Report.

Therefore, the Facebook Ads recommendations to send additional parameters for events that are not designed to collect such parameters can be safely discarded.

Affiliate Marketers

If you are an affiliate marketer, first-party data is not available to you in the first place, and consequently you can't send these parameters to Facebook Ads, or other ad networks. This is another scenario in which you can safely discard the update recommendation.


Safely Discard Update Recommendations

You can safely ignore Facebook Ads recommendations to send additional parameters for events that are not designed to collect such parameters, or if you are an affiliate marketer without access to such parameters.

Overreporting Attributed Results

If the Campaign Report shows significantly more Attributted Results than Purchase (or Lead) events, a system other than AnyTrack is probably sending events to the same pixel. It could be another tracking software or Meta Pixel code installed directly (or through an integration) on your website.

This campaign has 2 sales, but Facebook has registered 8.

This campaign has 2 sales, but Facebook has registered 8.

When you install the AnyTrack Tag on your website and connect AnyTrack to your Facebook Ads account, AnyTrack automatically loads the Meta Pixel each time the AnyTrack Tag loads. Therefore, you should remove the Meta Pixel installed on the website to prevent duplicates.

Use the following guide to identify other systems sending events to the Facebook Conversion API which could be causing the abnormally high number of Attributed Results.

Guide to Identify Systems Sending Events to the Facebook Conversion API

Disconnected Pixel

AnyTrack will automatically send you an email notification if one of your pixels from Meta Ads or Google Ads gets disconnected, allowing you to take action and resume forwarding conversion data as soon as possible. The reasons for pixel disconnection are varied, including API updates, changes in permissions, or issues with token expiration.

If this issue becomes recurrent, please contact support
A yellow mark indicates the pixel is disconnected from AnyTrack

A yellow mark indicates the pixel is disconnected from AnyTrack.

Ads Not Found for Awareness and Traffic Campaigns

When using Verify Your Ads, AnyTrack won't display campaigns without conversion events in their campaign objectives, such as Awareness and Traffic campaigns in Meta Ads. AnyTrack focuses on conversion tracking, and those types of campaigns don't generate conversion events. Therefore, it's normal for those ads not to be found.

However, if those campaigns are associated to the pixel and generate conversion events, you will be able to see them in the Campaign Report. Conversions coming from those campaigns will be correctly attributed.

Selection of Campaigns Objectives during Campaign creation in Meta Ads.

Campaigns without conversions as their objective won't be found by AnyTrack's 'Verify Your Ads'.