Conversions Report

Use the Conversions Report to see conversion events and visualize customer journeys.

The Conversions Report on AnyTrack shows all the Conversion Events you're catching with your integrations, displaying the customer journeys, and indicating the exact Ad the visitor clicked before landing on your website.

Quick Overview

Learn how to use the Conversions Report in two minutes.

Access the Conversions Report

Open the dashboard, select a Property, and click on Conversions Report in the left menu.


At the top of the Conversions Report page, you will find the following elements:

AProperty selectorDisplays the selected Property for which the Conversions Report is currently showing data. Click on it to select a different Property.
BSearch by IDSearch by Client ID or Click ID; the page will display only events associated with that ID, allowing you to focus on events related to a specific customer journey.
CFiltersClick to filter by Event Name and/or Integration; use it, for example, to display only 'Purchase' events or events exclusively from your 'Clickbank' integration. You can add multiple filters simultaneously by simply clicking +.
DTime frame selectorChoose the timeframe to display events, with options ranging from Today, Yesterday, Last 7, 14, or 28 days, This month, Last month, to Custom.
EExport as fileExport and download the report data as a JSON or CSV file. Only the events currently displayed will be included in the file.
FColumns selectorThe Columns button lets you choose the columns you want to see. You can also opt for a predefined set, such as Common, Campaigns, and Landing Pages. The 'Save current as default' option allows you to preserve your selection for later.


Every line in the chart is a different user that visited your website and the event they generated. You can filter these events by integration and/or event name.

Grouped Events

Some events have been grouped because they share the same User Id. Grouped events show a + and a number. Hover your mouse on the group to see a breakdown of the events. The event that is shown is the most significant of the group.

Event Details and Timeline

Click on any event or group of events to open the Event Details window. It contains conversion event data, the campaign identifiers, and the Timeline. Use the Timeline to review customer journeys across your pages and integrations.


How can I take advantage of the Conversions Report section?

The Events Details and Timeline in the Conversions Report allows you to visualize web visitor behavior and reveals the customer journey. You can learn how visitors think and the content they browse before converting. You can also use the Export button to download detailed conversion event data to explore on a spreadsheet.

How can I see all the onversion events from a specific campaign?

Navigate to the Campaing Report, select the campaign, click the pencil icon from the menu to the right, and select View Conversions. It will take you to the Conversions Report where yo can add more filters.

What’s Next

Conversions Report understood? Learn about the other two Reports: