
Leadshook is a platform for creating decision trees and capturing leads. Integrating Leadshook with AnyTrack allows for accurate lead generation tracking and attribution in marketing efforts.


Leadshook is a powerful platform for creating decision trees and capturing leads. Integrating Leadshook with AnyTrack enables accurate lead generation tracking and attribution, enhancing your marketing efforts. This guide will walk you through the process of integrating Leadshook with AnyTrack, explaining the visitor journey, AutoTag, and webhook integration.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. A Property in AnyTrack: Set up a property in AnyTrack if you haven't already.

  2. Add AnyTrack to Your Website: Add the AnyTrack tracking script to the head section of your website.

  3. Add AnyTrack to the Decision Tree Head Section: Insert the AnyTrack tracking script into the head section of your Leadshook decision tree.

Client Side Tracking

This setup enables client-side tracking, specifically the OutboundClick event, which is triggered when the form loads on your website.

Step-by-Step Guide to Integration

Create a property if you havent and add the tracking script to leadshook:

  1. Add the Leadshook Integration in AnyTrack:

    • Go to AnyTrack Catalog and add the Leadshook integration.
    • Copy the webhook URL provided by AnyTrack.

  2. Create a Custom Field in Leadshook:

    • In Leadshook, create the custom field click_id.
      • Field name: anytrack
      • Field type: text
      • Required: no
      • Visibility: hidden

  3. Edit your decision tree and add a new Webhook Node:

    • After the form submission in your decision tree, create a webhook node.
    • Paste the AnyTrack webhook URL.
    • Leave the method to POST.


LeadsHook Webhook example:

This webhook is provided as an example, do not use it


*Do not use this webhook, it is an example.

Webhook data

  "_c_eventtime": "1719923207",
  "event_name_custom": "{event_name_custom}",
  "_geoip_countryCode": "US",
  "_tracking_embed_url": "https://leadshook.carrd.co/",
  "score": "0",
  "_c_node_id": "1395585",
  "_c_embedDomain": "leadshook.carrd.co",
  "_geoip_regionCode": "NY",
  "_tracking__fbp": null,
  "first_name": "x",
  "_c_identifier": "1395585",
  "_geoip_currencyCode": "USD",
  "lead_id": "514364659",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "_c_eventid": "1395585_514364659_",
  "_c_dt": "anytrack",
  "impression_id": "451438641",
  "_geoip_zip": "zzzzz",
  "_c_embedPathName": "/",
  "last_name": "x",
  "ip_address": "",
  "_c_dt_ver": "67",
  "_geoip_city": "New York",
  "click_id": "HwyEjB9nwerd5dPqqo7kOTN8VxtrhtoaHy",
  "lead_token": "DJqF3EIma9nsCgeFNh2Oo3isAt5XExGFRURJbr8WiTZHO2dDe23o8TkOPiIK",
  "_device_userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "event_value": "{event_value}"


Do not modify the webhook url

The webhook is predefined with all required parameters. Do not modify the parameters or tokens

Event Mapping

Event mapping in AnyTrack ensures that the correct events are tracked and attributed to your marketing efforts. By default the Lead event will be triggered when a visitor submits your form and is mapped to your ads integration Lead conversion.

Follow these steps to map events accurately:

  1. Go to the Event Mapping section in Leadshook integration
  2. Map your Leadshook events to the corresponding AnyTrack events.
  3. Ensure all key actions in your decision tree are tracked correctly.

Advanced Settings

Modify event name and event value

If you need to trigger different event names, you can modify the webhook event name parameter:

For example, your decision tree includes a short form that collects the email address and at the end of the decision tree, the visitor can fill additional fields such as first name, last name and phone, you might want to trigger two conversions. By default the first event will trigger a Lead conversion and you might want to get a better visibility of your conversion funnel by triggering a different event for the long form - for example: CompleteRegistration:

  • Replace {event_name_custom} with CompleteRegistration.

You might also want to give your CompleteRegistration conversion a monetary value of 20. If that's the case, you should update the parameter Event Value:

  • Replace {event_value} with the value of your choosing.
Modify the anytrack webhook for Leadshook to collect more granular event data.

Currency code:

By default AnyTrack gets the currency value from Leadshook, which derives it's value from the visitor's IP address. If you want to change this value, you can hardcode it in the webhook parameter.

  • Replace {_geoip_currencyCode} with the currency code of your choosing - for example USD
  1. Edit the webhook URL in Leadshook to include one of the Standard Events names.
  2. Update the Event mappingevent mapping in AnyTrack ads integration event mapping to reflect these changes.



Don’t forget to update your event mapping in your ads integration to ensure accurate tracking and reporting.

Trigger a Postback URL at the Form Node level

For more granular tracking you can add the webhook in a node, and fire custom events.

Leadshook postback url setup

What’s Next

To leverage AnyTrack tracking data in your CRM or Lead Generation platform, like Leadbyte, follow these steps:

  1. Include the AnyTrack click ID when pushing lead data to external platforms.
    • Example for Leadbyte: "c3": "{atclid}".
  2. Add the LeadByte integration to your Anytrack account.
  3. If the c3 parameter has been sent to LeadByte it will be returned in the webhook and subsequent conversions will be tracked back to Anytrack and tied to the same campaign that brought the leads through Leadshook.


Q1: What is Leadshook?
A: Leadshook is a platform for creating decision trees and qualifying leads.

Q2: How does AnyTrack work with Leadshook?
A: AnyTrack integrates with Leadshook so all meaningful events are being tracked via server side webhook, and attributed in Anytrack and your ad platforms.

Q3: What is AutoTag?
A: AutoTag is a feature in AnyTrack that automates the tagging and tracking of Leadshook form loading and initialization events on your website.

Q4: How do I map events in AnyTrack?
A: Go to the Event Mapping section in AnyTrack and map your Leadshook events to the corresponding AnyTrack events.

Q5: Can I modify the webhook to trigger different event names?
A: Yes, you can modify the webhook URL in Leadshook and update the event mapping in AnyTrack and your ads integration. Follow these guidelines.