Why AnyTrack
The article highlights AnyTrack ability to enhance traffic management through a simple one-line code integration.
One line of code is what you need
! function(e, t, n, s, a) {
(a = t.createElement(n)).async = !0,
a.src = "https://assets.anytrack.io/oVYrxyzvqJfbf.js",
(t = t.getElementsByTagName(n)[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(a, t),
e[s] = e[s] || function() {
(e[s].q = e[s].q || []).push(arguments)
}(window, document, "script", "AnyTrack");
The unique features of AnyTrack will help you make more out of your organic or paid traffic.
- A simple and quick setup lets you spend less time on tracking and more on marketing.
- Direct API integrations with Facebook and Google let you benefit from all optimization features available.
- Redirectless tracking enables you to instantly track unlimited affiliate links, product links, and forms without changing a line of code.
- Improve your site's content by connecting with Google Analytics, and finally, see true conversion data tied with your content marketing efforts.
- Improve your conversion rate by clearly understanding your conversion funnel and where visitors drop off.
- Our integration first approach lets you connect with your marketing tools in seconds rather than days.
- Leverage your audience data across multiple pixels simultaneously so you can take advantage of true data-driven marketing capabilities.
- Send your conversion data to thousands of business applications via Webhooks (Zapier, Integromat)
AnyTrack features are built to allow you to start tracking and sending conversion events to your marketing tools in a matter of minutes, with no prior technical or coding knowledge.
Updated about 2 months ago